Facebook changed your email address?
Facebook is reported to have changed
the email addresses of the users. There is a vast change in the way the user’s
contact information is displayed. Facebook has replaced the email address that
the users have chosen while signing up for the account. It is changed to a
facebook.com address.
The users can communicate with the
outside email addresses fro the Facebook email accounts through the social
network. This change was first brought to light by the bloggers during the
weekend. This was later confirmed on Monday by most of the users across the
As per the statement made by Jillian
Stefanki, a spokeswoman of Facebook, the site is rolling out a setting on the
profile page. The users are asked to decide the email addresses that they want
to display on their profile.
She added that, since the launch of
the Timeline, users were able to control what posts they want to display to
their friends and what to hide. Today, the same feature is extended to the
other details that they post starting the Facebook address.
Were you prompted by Facebook to
select a username for the facebook.com email address? Tell us in the comments
section below.